Find all the latest news about Phigi in the press, as well as our diary.
Finals of the HelloTomorrow Global Challenge!
Hello Tomorrow | Aerospace Track | Tuesday, Jan 2st, 2025
Phigi made it to the finals of the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge!
From 4500 applications, our startup was selected as one of the 7 finalists in the ‘Aerospace’ track supported by Safran.
Pushing physical boundaries with Phigi
Le Trois | Special Issue #7 | April 2024
The Montbéliard start-up is working on a breakthrough technology. The company is developing a solution based on a programmable matter linked to digital tools. Thousands of micro-robots can be assembled and disassembled indefinitely.
How startup Phigi hopes to disrupt the industry
L'Est Républicain | Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Based at Numerica in Montbéliard, the four-employee start-up Phigi is working on a revolutionary programmable material, a kind of digital clay made of microbeads that could be of great service to industry in the future. Here's how it works.
How Numerica is preparing for the digital future of the industry
L'Est Républicain | Monday, February 26, 2024
On the Montbéliard campus, Numerica offers digital training and tries to make the most out of its services for all types of businesses, including small and medium-sized businesses...
Rémy Tribhout: the new hero of the microrobots
le Journal du Palais | January 23, 2024
Tiny robots that can be linked and assembled into any shape imaginable: that's the Phigi project, led by engineer Rémy Tribhout. Any resemblance to the Disney character Hiro Hamada from the 2015 animated film The New Heroes...